No One Does Justice Alone
Your gift enables clients to access the help they need.
When you give to Administer Justice:
Churches open their doors to host a Gospel Justice Center.
Volunteers provide legal help and gospel hope.
Clients find clarity, freedom, and hope.
Providing Justice Through Partnerships
Invest in Justice
Administer Justice has been partnering with churches to provide justice for all for over 24 years. When you become a Torchbearer, your monthly gift enables churches across our country to shine the light of gospel justice in their community. Your commitment allows us to:
Every month new centers open their doors to serve clients with legal advice and gospel hope. Make your gift a recurring monthly gift to ensure our National Support Center can help volunteer attorneys and assist clients calling to book appointments. A sustaining gift of $50/month ensures new centers are supported so clients are served.
With a recurring gift, you have peace of mind knowing your money is supporting the vulnerable every month. Your donation impacts the lives of clients who visit our centers each week. The clarity, advice, and hope they receive is the fruit of your investment. Become a Torchbearer today.
You can make justice for all a reality
Torchbearers are a community of people like you committed to justice for all. When you become a Torchbearer you'll be:
We’ll send you monthly updates on the impact your recurring gift is making with new centers opened, new clients served, and new resources provided to churches.
You’ll be invited to online community events, prayer gatherings, local meetups and more. You’ll join a family who love gospel justice.
No one does justice alone. As you hear stories of changed lives and see churches getting involved, you’ll be inspired to invite more people to get involved in the work of gospel justice.
Invest in a Gospel Justice Center
Cover the $5,000 launch fee for a church.
Churches in under-resourced communities are often eager to provide legal help to their neighbors, but the $5,000 launch fee is out of reach.
Your gift of $5,000 enables them to host a center without a financial burden. The one-time gift ensures a lifetime impact in that community – there is no ongoing cost for hosting a center. Once launched, the center will continue to serve clients for years to come.
Self-sustaining centers continue to provide access to justice.
Your $5,000 Investment Means
Gospel Justice Center Funded
Volunteers Equipped
Clients Reached Annually
Dollars Returned Each Year in Attorney Time and Client Copays
America has a justice problem
1 in 3 Americans cannot afford a lawyer. Over 100 million people cannot afford a lawyer. What do they do when they face a legal problem? Where can they get advice on their next steps? Who can help them navigate confusing legal documents?
Gospel Justice Centers provide low-cost legal advice and next steps. With a one-time $30 copay, clients have a place to go for legal help and coaching. Your gift allows new centers to open.
Give so:
We don’t debate justice, we do it.
Provide access to justice and Jesus.
Below you'll find answers to questions about supporting Administer Justice.
Have other questions? Contact us.
Want to help provide legal aid?
There are many ways to get involved. Learn more at the links below about how you can join the team providing legal help to people in need.